Sotra Anchor & Chain / Sotra Marine Produkter AS is a company 100 % owned by The SOTRA GROUP.
The group was founded in 1980 at Sotra on west coast of Norway. SOTRA ANCHOR & CHAIN has become known as the world`s largest stockist of anchors and chains.
The company have today more than 10 000 tonnes brand new and second hand anchors, chain, shackles and accessories for supply within shipping, offshore, aquaculture, shipyards and even to decoration market. The company still have main office and main yard in Norway, but have also established yards in Scotland, The Netherlands and in China. From these yards the company supply anchors and chains to hundreds of ships, offshore drilling rigs, fishfarms and new buildings every year.
Although ever increasing order volume, the organisation is small and manage to offer all our customer the best of service.
Our staff are able to load and delivery immediate upon order and can make delivery 24 hours a day, 7 days per week if required. Our staff is always available to offer service to all our customer when required.
- Anchors
- Chains
- Accessories